Tuesday, February 6, 2024

These are a few of My Favorite Things - 1/30/24

I was thinking this morning that the postings on this blog span 20 plus years of my life.  That's a long time.

These are some of my favorite things today:

Hikes through the forest on rainy, misty days.


An hour of light sleep in the morning after waking up to let dawg out.

Being a part of something much bigger than myself. 

Waves crashing.
Pressing the first footprints onto a snowy trail or a sandy beach.

Celebrating another day of being alive with my first sip of coffee. 

Basking in the afterglow of an evening of making music with my bandmates for a bar full of music lovers. 

The treasued moments when my brain gives me respite from it's endless clamor to focus on the task at hand or the person I am with
The afternoon sun in the winter.

Being in Love with someone who loves me just as much.

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